Sound guide
We would like to share our many years of experience in the world of sound with you. In our sound guide, you will not only find out which sound instruments are available - we also explain how to use Singing Bowls, gongs and the like, how to care for them properly and give you a comprehensive insight into sound therapy.
Singing bowls Guide
Singing Bowls differ not only in shape and materials, but also in the type of application and areas of use. We have summarized our many years of expert knowledge for you and give you lots of practical tips on how to use your Singing Bowl.
Gong guide
The experience of playing a gong is always a very individual experience. Playing techniques, the choice of mallet and the type of gong determine how the sound experience affects your body and mind. In our gong guide, you will learn everything about this impressive instrument and can further refine your playing practice with our tips.
Mallet guide
Singing bowls and gongs can be made to resonate with very different mallets and friction mallets. It's not just the technique used that makes a big difference to the sound - the materials used to make mallets and friction mallets also have a fundamental effect on vibrations and tones. We explain the differences and playing techniques and show you what else is important when choosing a mallet or friction mallet.
Sound methods
We at Peter Hess have been developing unique therapy methods for more than 30 years. When used correctly, sound releases tension, mobilizes self-healing powers and releases energy. We will show you how you can apply these methods in your own practice, which Peter Hess training and further education courses will support you in this and in which areas sound work can also provide more harmony and health.