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This Peter Hess® therapy singing bowl is very popular and is often used for the head area. Its high and clear sound supports inner centering and concentration. Introspection becomes easier. To start a meditation or a ritual, as a signal for attention, as a little time out or just because.


Here is a little sound exercise:

Create a few minutes of space, find a quiet place and get comfortable. Place the singing bowl on a surface and strike it gently. Listen to the sound and let it fade away.
Pause, be with yourself, enjoy the sound. Consciously notice the short silence and concentrate. Repeat this exercise several times and enjoy your time out. You can also place the singing bowl on your flat palm. Strike it gently and slowly guide the sounding and vibrating bowl around the area of your head.
You can imagine the sound spreading around your head area like warm sun rays, enveloping and warming you.
We wish you a pleasant and relaxing little time out.


And here it goes to our
offer of the head bowl
. The singing bowl has a diameter of about 10 cm and a height of about 3 cm. You can buy it until May 14 for 45,- Euro instead of 52,- Euro.

Once again we were on the lookout for a little film for you: Sounds can be made visible in water. How this happens is shown by the Peter Hess® Institute 

We wish you also further
Health, inner peace and confidence!

Jana Hess and
the team of Hess Sound


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