The unique “Zaphir chimes” are musical instruments of high quality, handmade in France, in the Pyrenees.
The chimes are available in several tunings, each of which has its own magical timbre.
Visually, each zaphir is unique, one of a kind. The outer shell is designed in different shades of color using a specially developed marbling technique.
Zaphir Chime Spring – crystalide Art.No. Zaphir spring with the following mood G A B D A G B D Color: green
Zaphir Chime Summer – sunray Art.No. Zaphir summer with the following tuning G# B C# E G# E A C# Color: red
Zaphir Chime Autumn – twilight Art.No. Zaphir autumn with the following mood E G B C E G B C Color: yellow
Zaphir Chime Winter Blue Moon Art.No. Zaphir winter Blue moon with the following tuning D F A B C E A# C Color: blue
Zaphir Chime Sufi Art.No. Zaphir Sufi with the following tuning F A D F A G A D Color: purple