Anna Avramidou
Anna Avramidou has decades of in-depth experience in singing bowls, gong and voice. She is an expert in mantras and their expression in vibration, song and art. She has been leading and developing seminars for the Peter Hess® Institute since 2005. Together with her team, she supports holistic companies with her mindful marketing( Since 2015, Anna has lived on the Greek island of Ikaria and sells sustainable, authentic products from the island of longevity(
- Ra Ma Da Sa Se So Hung
- Sarvesham Svastir Bhavatu
- Gayatri
- Om Tare Tutare Ture Swaha
- Assesu Yemaya
- Ad Gure Nameh
- Teyata Om
- Om Mana Padme Hum
Running time: 49:47 min.
Audio download (mp3)
Authors: Anna Avramidou and Inge Brillemann
Publication Year: 2019