Small, hard mallets elicit rather higher tones from the singing bowl that address the heart and head area.
Felt mallet hard, small Art.No. hkFS-1h approx. Ø 4.5 cm
Recommended for cardiac and universal shells.
Medium, harder felt mallets are more for frequencies in the abdomen (solar plexus), for example.
Felt mallet hard, medium hkFS-2h approx. Ø 5.5 cm
Recommended for cardiac, universal and pelvic shells.
Felt shackles hard, large Art.No. hkFS-3h approx. Ø 7 cm
Recommended for universal and pelvic shells.
Double felt mallet normal (hard) hkFS-2h-3h Color: gray
Recommended for cardiac/articular/universal and pelvic shells.
Handle length: approx. 31 cm Ø 5.5 cm and Ø 7 cm.
Double felt mallet long (hard) hkFS-2h-3h-long Color: gray
Handle length: approx. 40 cm Ø 5.5 cm and Ø 7 cm.